
Contact Us

Getting in touch with us is as simple as clicking a button. Provide us with your questions below and then send the form our way. We’ll get back to you ASAP. While you wait, be sure to check out our FAQ page to learn more about our facility and our features.

About Us

Midwest Mini Storage is passionate about storage and offering you everything you need to have a successful moving or organizational project. Our location is convenient and provides you with all the space you could need, from large, whole-house sized spaces to smaller, closet sized spaces. We proudly serve the communities of Iron Mountain, Kingsford, Powers, Norway, even Aurora and Niagara, Wisconsin.

Because our location is right in the heart of Iron Mountain, we’re accessible from anywhere in town. Whether you’re looking for convenient, 24-hour access or the ease of online bill pay, let the experts at Midwest Mini Storage and Movers give you a hand. Pick up the phone and give our office a call seven days a week. We’ll be happy to hear from you!

Midwest Mini Storage & Movers Main Office:

W7788 Hwy US 2
Iron Mountain, MI 49801
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